Amanda's Magic Book 9: The Riftwalkers

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Take a time-traveling trip with Amanda and Charlie to magical places.

Publisher Agung Wijaya

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Game Description

Once again, join Amanda and Charlie as they dig into the enigmatic pages of Amanda's magical book and go on an enchanting trip. The ninth story in this fantastical series, "The Riftwalkers," finds our brave team transported to unimaginable worlds where they must overcome obstacles that will put their cunning and bravery to the test like never before. Navigate through portals to far-off realms with Amanda and Charlie as they embark on an incredible journey through time and space. Discover the secrets of the enchanted pocket watch and its relationship to time itself while figuring out challenging riddles and eluding crafty opponents. Travel through time to meet great individuals from history and folklore, discover stunning scenery, and find antiquated antiques.

- Discover new worlds and solve old secrets
- Work through difficult puzzles and overcome challenges
- Meet legendary people facing unusual obstacles
- Take in breathtaking scenery and unearth mysteries
- Discover the mysteries around the magical pocket watch

Download size: 191 MB

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