Maze of Realities - Symphony of Invention CE

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You've unlocked doors to new realms, and now there are countless opportunities ahead of you!

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Game Description

You've unlocked doors to new realms, and now there are countless opportunities ahead of you! Recently, your buddy Dr. Charles Michaelson received an invitation to visit the Innovatrix universe to learn from and interact with Omnira, the most sophisticated artificial intelligence in the universe. Charles wants you to come along and see for yourself just how smart it is. However, the more you learn about Omnira's inventor, Conrad, the more you begin to believe that a massive cosmic disaster is about to occur. Unless there's a method for you to stop it. Fortunately, Fabian, a scholar from the field of chronologists, joins you, lending his extensive knowledge and wise counsel, and Conrad's daughter Leah, who has her intriguing motivations for lending a hand, so you don't have to shoulder all that heroic weight alone.

- In the additional chapter, get to know Miranda, the astute chronologer!
- Gather vibrant mementos from throughout the globe!
- Numerous additional minigames and riddles!
- Savor an incredibly surreal soundscape!

Download size: 1150 MB

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