Algo Bot

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Can you help Algo Bot save the Europa?

Publisher Plug In Digital

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Game Description

The sleeping crew of the Europa, a pan-galactic colonization ship, fantasizes about their future existence on the other side of the galaxy. But Algo Bot, a service droid working on the garbage deck, cannot relax. When a regular recycling expedition with cantankerous line manager PAL goes catastrophically wrong, the Europa is plunged into catastrophe. Nobody will wake up unless PAL and Algo Bot immediately fix the Europa's systems and recover the onboard AI. As the player, you will assume the position of the operator and send a series of commands to Algo Bot using a visual programming language. Will you be able to complete all of the puzzles?

- Cute embroidered pixel puzzle art.
- Fun trivia questions.
- Beautiful relaxing acoustic soundtrack.
- Simple zoom and hint functions.
- 72 challenging puzzles!
- No locked levels, play how you want!

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Download size: 1435 MB

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