Angkor: Beginnings

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Save your family by extinguishing the ancient volcano!

Publisher IronCode Gaming

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Game Description

Some people were pursuing a family of three. They employed tremendous teleportation magic to flee their pursuers, hoping to reach the mainland. Their teleportation power was disrupted, and as their teleportation spell faded, they tumbled onto an unknown mist-covered island in the midst of the ocean. They hadn't even recovered from their shock when the island's peaceful old volcano trembled, belched massive amounts of smoke, and erupted...

- Quell a raging volcano!
- Pick up and play
- Pipe Joining, Slider, Memory, and Solitaire minigames
- 100 levels of fun match making
- Gameplay options can be changed anytime
- New types of runes and tiles

Download size: 178 MB

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