Family Tales: The Sisters

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Rescue your sister from a dark parallel reality!

Publisher Intenium

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Game Description

You'd like nothing more than a full night's sleep, but you are increasingly plagued with haunting nightmares of your sister Anna. Trapped in a dark parallel reality, Anna cries out for you to rescue her. But these dreams are much too vivid and you begin to suspect that they aren't merely dreams, but that they are visions. Not knowing what to do, you drive to your parent's home, but find it abandoned and in disrepair. Upon entering, you try to follow your sister's footsteps, but the place you once called home is unfamiliar, cold and falling apart. Soon you realize that you aren't in your childhood home at all, you are in face in a horrific psychiatric asylum. You have entered the world of the Dark Lord and recognize it as the sinister reality where your sister is trapped. Can you rescue your sister and take her back home? In order to do so, you must defeat the dreaded Dark Lord! Are you up to this terrifying task?

-Challenging gameplay
-Complex puzzles
-Fascinating plot

Download size: 310 MB

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