Silverwood Bay: An Eleanor Grey Mystery CE

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Eleanor Grey relocates to Silverwood Bay in an attempt to find creative inspiration.

Publisher Boomzap

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Game Description

Eleanor Grey discovered an ancient brooch, along with a romantic and enigmatic note from Laurie to Amy, in a parcel that her friend Josie had sent her on the day she moved to Silverwood Bay. Eleanor Grey needed more, so she took this romantic message as inspiration for the characters in the book she's been wanting to write for so long. She decided to explore Silverwood Bay in search of further narrative ideas because the town had a lot to offer in that regard.

- Continue reading Eleanor Grey's story
- Clear Up a Romance Mysteries
- Take a Quest at Silverwood Bay
- 28 chapters and 1-2 subscenes
- 28 story-related minigames

Collector's Edition Features:
- 7 Epilogue chapters
- 7 Epilogue chapter wallpapers
- Music Player

Download size: 1820 MB

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