The Princess Case: A Royal Scoop

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How could a simple news story turn into a police investigation?

Publisher Anuman

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Game Description

Getting the biggest scoop of her career was never so hard for one intrepid reporter. How could a simple news story turn into a police investigation?

The media were all smiles as the royal couple set off on their honeymoon trip. A reporter with New York's People Mag, Lois Wheeler, was the first on the trail of a big exclusive. But when she finds her way into the newly-weds' hotel, Lois gets more than she bargained for.

She finds herself tangled up in an international kidnapping case. And before she knows it the FBI are involved! Use your reporting skills to evade the trickiest of situations. Seek out the objects used to commit the kidnapping and begin your investigation!

Download size: 110 MB

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