Vacation Adventures: Park Ranger 16

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Assist Rangers in managing the breathtaking Pinecreek Hills National Park!

Publisher MicroValue

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Game Description

Assist the well-known Rangers in managing Pinecreek Hills and guiding guests on breathtaking paths within National Parks. Enjoy planning activities on Cherokee River, Bluewaters Lake, and the recently established National Eagle Sanctuary. Explore Springfield's beautiful Conservation Park and look for BigFoot. Take a ride on the amazing Monorail. Study up on wildlife. Camp and enjoy a picnic by rivers and bayous. Explore captivating Caverns, enchanting Waterfalls, gorges, and stunning natural settings. Enjoy the fantastic trails in the park and embark on Night Prowls. Build bonfires and grills. See eagles, deer, and bears. Play amazing Hogs & Puzzles and Find Hundreds of Fish, Birds, and Wildlife. Preserve the ecosystem while earning awards and souvenirs along the way.

- Assist Park Rangers in the Outdoor Environment
- Acquire a wealth of ranger skills
- Savor the stunning graphics and gameplay
- Look for BigFoot in the Park
- Create a book on wildlife with illustrations

Download size: 357 MB

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